The Feedback Button!

The Feedback Button!

Hello GLM friends and supporters!  Things have been quite busy as we furnish Quarterstaff with more art, animation, and story. We’re working hard toward the finish line, and we’re so excited to show you what we have in store! Today, I want to highlight something...
New Art & Patch Update Schedule!

New Art & Patch Update Schedule!

Happy April, lovely Quarterstaff friends and family! I apologize for the massive break in updates since February. We’re nearing the final leg of production, so things have definitely ramped up since the last blog post, and I’ve barely had a chance to sit down and chat...
Updates & GDC23!

Updates & GDC23!

Happy March, GLM friends and family! Things have been so busy with Quarterstaff that it’s been tough to set aside some time to update the blog. Our last deploy to Steam went out on February 28, 2023 – you may have noticed it was a tad bit later than usual, but the...
Feb. 10 Patch Update!

Feb. 10 Patch Update!

We are so excited to announce this patch update! If you’ve bought the game, you’ve probably noticed that every two weeks we’ve been dropping a patch update, with a list of changes that can be found on our Steam page. Now, the intensity of these updates certainly...
The Truth Behind TRIPLE-G

The Truth Behind TRIPLE-G

Happy New Year to you and yours from Generic Lake Monster! It’s been about 3 weeks since our release on Steam in an Early Access capacity, and it’s exciting to see how the game has been received. One player has already logged a staggering 20 hours into the game and...