Happy New Year to you and yours from Generic Lake Monster!
It’s been about 3 weeks since our release on Steam in an Early Access capacity, and it’s exciting to see how the game has been received. One player has already logged a staggering 20 hours into the game and has been exploring every region, mastery objective, and technique.
I’m not saying you should buy Quarterstaff and ignore the rest of your life (bonus points if you have kids), but if that’s what you choose to do, I believe in your right to do it.
Three regions are available for play right now, but didn’t you know that we’re not done yet? There are three more regions incoming including twelve more battle boards for you to sink your teeth into! While our designer is working hard on these, we’re turning our attention to a glaring omission that I admit, has gone unexplained – until now.
If you’ve bought and played the game – thank you very much, by the way – you will have noticed the TRIPLE-G:

That is, the “Green-Gray-Grid”.
I realized way too late that there was no way for our players to know that this is completely temporary. This battle board art is under construction, so you may rest assured that it will absolutely be changed and improved upon. Soon, you’ll be able to enjoy gazing upon the work of our excellent artists, instead of the TRIPLE-G.
I don’t mean to insult the TRIPLE-G; it has served its purpose well, and even all the greats had to retire at some point. The time to rest will be here soon, TRIPLE-G, thank you for your service.
We are working hard to create art pieces that can be used to compile beautiful and synchronous textures to beautify our game. There’s a lot of assets to be created, implemented, altered, and reused (who said that?), but I’m confident that our team is more than up to the challenge.
We’re fleshing out a large texture library and defining the tone and mood of each region to better express the stories within. Now, when SiggSigg gets grossed out in the Necropolis, it’ll be because of actual slime and edge-lord neglect, not the TRIPLE-G!
Thanks for taking one for the team, TRIPLE-G.
In the past few months, our lead programmer has created an intuitive tool to implement this artwork more efficiently. Not being a programmer, I couldn’t possibly explain the technical aspects here, but just know that he is a wizard, and his works are therefore magical in nature and beyond my understanding.
Soon we’ll be able to implement these textures and show off the hard work that’s gone on behind the scenes these past few weeks, and I can’t wait to share the results with you! I look forward to the day when players can share their instant replays, and TRIPLE-G will be totally absent.
No offense, TRIPLE-G.
Quarterstaff is currently a work in progress, but your support will enable us to level it up to its final form.
Thank you for coming with us on this development journey!