…or how to port your save from our brand-new demo to the full version of Quarterstaff.

Happy New Year, friends and fans!
We celebrated the holidays the best way we knew how: releasing a free-to-play demo of Quarterstaff and an official in-game cinematic.
The demo is quite generous, if I do say so myself. Also, I may be biased but I’m also a huge fan of the cinematics we’ve done. There’s another cutscene to enjoy in-game, but it requires beating the game to view it.
A suitable reward for liberating Lulimvale, you will agree!
After releasing the demo, we noticed a couple of issues that some players may be having:
- Saves won’t automatically transfer from the demo to the full version should you choose to upgrade, but FEAR NOT! We at GLM have fashioned a way to save your saves! A manual will be linked at the end of this post to help you do just that.
- If you don’t uninstall the demo before installing the full version of Quarterstaff, you may encounter some runtime errors. The way to solve these is to uninstall both the demo & full version, then ONLY reinstall the full version of Quarterstaff. We’re still working on a fix for this, so thank you for bearing with us while we work out the kinks!
The instructions are available to view or download at the bottom of this post, so feel free to let us know if you have any questions or issues. I’m sure it’ll be simple for you – if you’re playing Quarterstaff, you’re definitely of above-average intelligence, but we’re always available for some hands-on guidance!
That’s all for now – Happy Quarterstaffing!
View or Download the Quarterstaff Saves Manual: