Frontpage, News, Quarterstaff
…or how to port your save from our brand-new demo to the full version of Quarterstaff. Happy New Year, friends and fans! We celebrated the holidays the best way we knew how: releasing a free-to-play demo of Quarterstaff and an official in-game cinematic. The...
Events, Frontpage, Hidden, News
That’s right! Late on Monday night, we got together on a short stream and released the game. Exhausted but overjoyed, it was so wonderful to reach this incredible milestone. There are still a few tasks to be completed – updating the Steam store, ESRB...
Events, Frontpage, News, Quarterstaff
TODAY’S THE DAY!Quarterstaff finally release tonight! We’ll be doing a live stream of the release, so please join in if you’re free! Twitch Link
Events, Frontpage, News, Quarterstaff
OOOOOHHH BOYYY!!! Quarterstaff will be released tomorrow evening! I’m planning to do a live stream of the release, so tune in if you can! We’re getting down to the wire here – for our last countdown day, we’re featuring the biggest baddie of...
Events, Frontpage, News, Quarterstaff
…and Happy (Almost) Halloween! Today’s all about the boss in the Bandit Hills, the Bandit Alchemist. Another unique (or frustrating?) boss, he’s immune to magic and moves fast, sniping at you every chance he can get. The real challenge? Defeating him AND...