Generic Lake Monster has taken steps to improve the accessibility features of Quarterstaff. We worked closely with The Able Gamers Charity, who provided meaningful guidance and connected us to playtesters who gave us relevant feedback to ensure Quarterstaff could serve specific needs effectively.


Quarterstaff is a game that was designed with accessibility as a first principle. We strive to make our products enjoyable by a large variety of audiences. Quarterstaff boasts a number of features that gamers will find useful, though we are still growing, learning, and striving to improve our systems as much as possible:


  • Turn-based gameplay that allows players to take breaks, come and go as they please, and take all the time they need to plan their next move.

  • A simple yet effective control system that allows players to choose whether they want to play with a keyboard, a mouse, or both. We’re proud that users can play Quarterstaff with a single hand.

  • Customizable key-bindings that enables the player to choose a configuration that works best for their own custom playstyle.

  • A dyslexic-friendly font that can be easily found and activated in our settings menu.

  • An Instant Replay button that can be played back at the end of each mission. This way, the player doesn’t sacrifice a dynamic action-packed experience for the sake of slower gameplay. Players can watch and enjoy their gameplay from every mission at a variety of speeds.

  • Labelled buttons that support screen-readers, but stay tuned for updates about full optimization for screen-readers.


Have any suggestions for features or options for us to improve Quarterstaff? There’s a feedback button in-game, but you can always contact us at!