Frontpage, News, Quarterstaff
…or how to port your save from our brand-new demo to the full version of Quarterstaff. Happy New Year, friends and fans! We celebrated the holidays the best way we knew how: releasing a free-to-play demo of Quarterstaff and an official in-game cinematic. The...
Events, News, Quarterstaff
Happy Monday, Generic Lake Monsters! We’ve been quiet lately, but that’s because we’ve been keeping our heads close to the grindstone. Programming, Designing, Drawing, Painting, Tweaking, and most importantly, Testing! After these past few months without any word, I’m...
Frontpage, News, Quarterstaff
Happy April, lovely Quarterstaff friends and family! I apologize for the massive break in updates since February. We’re nearing the final leg of production, so things have definitely ramped up since the last blog post, and I’ve barely had a chance to sit down and chat...