Until Quarterstaff release!

It’s hard to believe how quickly this week has gone by – it’s been a long week of testing, bug-fixing, and chaos! (But good chaos, you know.)
Today we’ve got another boss featured, who will also require a unique strategy to defeat. Made totally of sentient goo, the Gleaming Cube has no agenda except jiggling.
That may or may not be true, but you’ll have to – say it with me – play the game to find out! This is easily one of our more satisfying puzzles to solve, and I can say that from first-hand experience. I don’t remember how many attempts I made, but that’s probably because I was overwhelmed with self-congratulations.
The Cube can be found in the Necropolis, and you can actually face off against (it/them?) right now! Keep in mind, the price of Quarterstaff is going to go up after full release, so take advantage of the Early Access price before Monday rolls around!