We’ve been updating our socials, and I hope you’ve been following along there – if not, I’m going to take DAY 4 to get caught up on a few updates we went over!
DAY 6:

Day 6 features SiggSigg Namkul Bar Goon Goon Nur, Kalresh’s faithful familiar. A wizard in his own right, you might hear SiggSigg refer to Kalresh as his own familiar. Powerful, loyal, and extremely salty, SiggSigg will always make sure he gets the last word in. He also assists during combat – just fling him at an enemy and he’ll grapple them to the ground.
In addition to releasing the game, we’ll also be releasing a demo so you can “try before you buy”!

Here’s a sneak peek at Queen Miress of the Mystic Mountains. This region has been locked for some time to give us the chance to work on maps, animations, and design.
This area is incredibly unique because it allows the player to dance across the clouds as Kalresh. If you keep your Momentum up, you can literally walk across the sky to reach distant opponents! You can even chuck them off the mountain.
But don’t worry – SiggSigg will use his magic to slow their fall. It may be at the VERY last second, but no one will die

I may be inspired by the capitalistic energy of this salesman imp who has a predatory fief loan with your name on it, as I feel the need to talk more about the Demonic Wastelands region.
In addition to tangling with Vanity demons who keep up with your every move, pesky imps who taunt you from overhead, and plague demons who explode when they’re defeated (sore losers, if you ask me), the Wastelands boast a unique final boss. He possesses a unique quality that few other bosses have.
He’s literally invincible. You can’t actually damage him. Plus, he’ll summon minions to boot.
But wait, how are you supposed to defeat him? What the heck? You can’t do any damage?
…I’m sorry, you’ll have to play the game to find out!
That’ll all for today – tune in tomorrow for another sneak peek!